Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hey people!

So this is my first post. I've been inspired by the film Julie & Julia to create my own food blog. It makes sense, I have a deep passion for food and always have, ever since I started cooking when I was a little brat. This is going to be a pretty active blog, I'm not going to be doing a post every couple months like most people do. I cook all the time, and I go out to eat all the time. Anything noteworthy will be chronicled here. I'll be trying out recipes from cookbooks, websites, the Food Network, as well as making up things as I go along. I'll be going to restaurants all over Ottawa and reviewing them on here. I also go travelling quite often just for the sake of having great food, and all of those travels will be documented here. Finally, if I discover a great product that I think everyone should know about, then I'll post it on here as well.

A little background sketch, I'm a chef at an Italian restaurant here in Ottawa, where I was brought in to make pizza. Pizza is one of my main specialties, along with barbecue and pasta. One day, hopefully in the not too distant future, I plan to open my own restaurant. I'm not happy working under cheap owners who sacrifice flavour (not to mention the health of their customers) to make more money, so the best way to combat that is to become an owner myself. When it comes to cooking, there's nothing you can't do if you're really passionate about it.

So welcome everybody, and stay tuned.

"No matter how important we think we are, we'll never be more important than the ingredients." - Chris Bianco

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you on the blogosphere, looking forward to following your posts.

